Friday, September 27, 2019

a friday night film


  1. Looking really nice. Hope when I build it turns out half as good. What size are the windows?

  2. The front and back windows are 24" x 24"...the west window is 36" x 48".

  3. Oh, I would like to see the sun rise from the east. I guess the west window will warm it in the winter (shudder the heat in the summer). Well, a person just has to to outside with coffee in the morning and sit and watch the sun rise. :-) (Right now, the weather here is beautiful and I did that this morning). (I have a shade on one west window to block the setting sun).

  4. Joke: An Aggie said he could not see very far. The other person said, “Can you see that? What is that?” The Aggie said, “the sun”. The other person said, “well, how far do you want to see?”

  5. OMG, I was down there. I vaguely remember hearing about it. Forgot. TY.
