Monday, September 23, 2019

a monday matinee...


  1. …well, you all seem to be certified solar mechinitions & wiring plumbers extraordinaires…
    cosmetics aside, as long as you have juice & nothing burns or smokes — hope there's no
    big screen TV running…
    but, who's the 3rd guy?… Manny? - doesn't matter, still cracks me up — didn't notice the frame until the 4th viewing… ;•P
    (no one is going to mess with those Channellocks®… or are they Chanel?)
    the solar moon(s)

  2. You are going to leave them out there and then take them in the house when you leave?

  3. Looks like you both did a good job.

  4. The panels will be permanently mounted to a rack near where they are currently positioned.
