Monday, September 30, 2019

a monday matinee...


  1. This is algae that is growing in Ben's water trough. All the little bubbles are oxygen being produced by the algae. I over processed the video to give it an animated look and to make the oxygen bubbles more pronounced. It is actually green algae (as seen in the very end of the video). Fresh water and ocean algae (seaweed) produce as much as 70-80 percent of the oxygen in the atmosphere of the Earth. Marine algae (like all plants) produce oxygen through photosynthesis, a complex process that enables these algae to harness the energy of the sun and to transform it into chemical and electrical energy. In the presence of sunlight, algae transform carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates, mainly glucose and oxygen. The glucose is then used by the seaweeds as nutrient - the process during which oxygen is released as a byproduct. It is interesting to note that in the absence of sunlight (overnight), algae consumes oxygen and releases hydrogen. Cool Intro - Stings by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Angelic Forest by Doug Maxwell/Media Right Productions used by permission from the YouTube Audio Library.

  2. very cool & freaky Mr. Wells - hope you have 'Bucket-type' success with it!
    …but to my eye it appears to be a crowd of aliens wondering what Ben's snout is about…
    not that anything odd ever happens in Texas… (is that the Big Dipper, in the 2nd?)
    the crowd in Ben's trough

  3. Very cool video Mr. Wells and your commentary is very informative. Two thumbs up!

  4. Glad to see John Wells is educating all those - who believe their New Green Deal is the only way to reduce the presence of carbon dioxide in our planet's atmosphere! I think it would be terrible for our American economy - to try to stop burning oil, gas, and coal in 12 years. Maybe we need to grow - a lots more algae to help remove carbon dioxide from our atmosphere?------------------------------------------------------And it is a proven fact that carbon dioxide can be scrubbed from the exhaust stacks - of fossil fuel burning plants. The chemicals - used to do this are lime mixed and water. The reaction in the presence of carbon dioxide - produces calcium carbonate - or chalk! It is not necessary to wreck the whole existing American economy to greatly reduce our carbon dioxide emissions! Our government should be exploring the most economical ways of converting carbon dioxide into inert calcium carbonate. --------------------------------------------------It is terrible that so few even discuss any alternatives - other than to simply stop burning fossil fuels! I think we also need to work on removing carbon dioxide from our atmosphere - BY ALL AVAILABLE METHODS! Growing lots of algae - or using scrubbers - whatever works to get the desired results in removing the most carbon dioxide from the atmosphere! America has the technology & people to get this job done! ------------------------------------------Even oysters are expert at removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and converting it into calcium carbonate to build their shells!
