Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Prepped for the client...

The client will be here tomorrow for a week long working visit to his casita.  Just finished the back porch this morning.  He is bringing out a futon bed and gas grill.  We will be setting up some solar this week and I am going to have him do all the connections so he knows how it works.  89,95,66,0,B


  1. the builder & client in a magical land - both rare breeds… (hope none of the connections are shocking…)
    rare as a unicorn on a beach or near a castle…

  2. Cute house. Could be made nicer with some authentic Texas landscaping of plants that need little water, a few shade (or fruit trees), of course a Jalapena and aloe Vera plant, and some nice stones for sidewalk, etc., etc. Where is the TX star?

  3. Casita coming along nicely. TFL Casita Corp.

  4. How many kilowatts of solar will he have?
