Saturday, December 28, 2019

year end purchase...

Did my annual desk cleaning today and ordered new "Human Interface Devices" for my computer.  Good thing a keyboard and mouse is so cheap.  51,62,45,0,B


  1. I remember back in the early 80's when I was considering an electric typewriter to replace my portable, manual Royal. But, they were too expensive ... around $150-200 if my memory is correct.

  2. I can relate. I bought a sewing-machine size and weight (~ 25 lbs) Compaq portable computer in 1982: 2800 dollars. Then, in order to produce documents, a dot-matrix printer and a ball-type printer, which used IBM Selectric balls. A fair amount of money, but worth it for my engineering career. The total outlay would be about $ 8000 in 2019 dollars. Just look at what hardware would be available for that much money today.


  3. I saw U on national TV in Sweden today. Interesting life! I follow U on Youtube now.
    P.S I don’t like heat ;)

  4. Not a bad price. After all the times I have dropped my mouse and keyboard I am surprised they still work.

    I had to smile on your personal exchange with FAX Lisa...I don't like cold either :)
