Friday, July 24, 2020

Friday Poll...

Question for the families of the 145,000 people who have died in the US in the past 5 months from Covid-19. Which of these statements by Donald Trump best shows his cognitive abilities?
A. "Person, woman, man, camera, TV"
B. "We have it totally under control. It's one person coming in from China. We have it under control. It's going to be just fine."


  1. As far as I have heard...Joe Biden has yet to outright lie to the American public about the seriousness of the pandemic.

  2. As long as Biden hasn't lied about covid you dismiss the other lies?

  3. Are you addressing me or MD? What "other lies" are you talking about? I certainly hope you aren't a Trump supporter.

  4. Biden can't put a complete sentence together so he can't really lie. And yes, I'm a Trump supporter.

  5. *Breaking Down - Covid 19 by : Dr Kelly Victory

    youtube has taken the video down but you can find it thru Google. This is a Dr speaking truth and logic....not selecting soundbites to make a point

  6. Some years ago I read an article about how life would be in the "end times" and it said Americans would be totally divided in their thinking about their fellow man and I scoffed. I am just incredulous that anyone could not see where that idiot has led us and divided us.
    His supporters are anxious to drink their kool aid. They are welcome to it.
    Logic isn't a concept they can grasp.

  7. I can understand why people voted for Trump - they believed all his bullshit and lies during the campaign and wanted "anyone but Clinton". But it is way beyond me how people can still support him after his inaction in regard to the pandemic has lead to the deaths of over 145,000 American citizens in the past 6 months. In the next election it is "anyone but Trump".

  8. I have been watching The Lincoln Project videos. They are thought to be financed and produced by "closet" Republicans who are putting out the truth. Good stuff, imo, you may want to check that out if you have not seen them.
    This is a battle between good and evil, and I may be naive but I believe good will triumph and the evil will be conquered. Make no mistake, it won't happen overnight and it will be bloody.Good people must stand up and be counted. Vote Blue, no matter who.


  9. Unfortunately, rickowens2 is correct.

    John Wells - Trump's quick action in instituting the travel ban slowed the infection. Biden and the leftists were against the travel ban.

  10. Person. Man. Karen. Circle. Jerk.

  11. J...You should know better than to try to debate by just repeating a lie that Trump has told over and over again. Here is a little history lesson for you. Democrats were opposed to Trump's travel bans pre-pandemic that targeted primarily Muslims as far back as right after he took office. As for the travel restriction (not a ban) on China, none of the Democratic party’s congressional leaders and none of the Democratic candidates running for president directly criticized that decision and the decision was not Trumps alone - the restrictions were strongly called for by numerous public health officials - and there is no direct evidence that it "slowed the infection". The number of cases worldwide rose anyway because the virus had already begun traveling undetected internationally. And to be clear - the action was not an all out ban - it was just "a band aid" on a gaping wound. It only restricted non-US citizens from entering the country. It still allowed tens of thousands back into the country. In the previous month, 300,000 came into the US from China - so "the horse was already out of the barn". But according to Trump...."It's one person coming in from China". It is absurd to be supportive of a president that has basically ignored and constantly lied about the pandemic since the beginning. I guess 145,000 dead isn't enough to get your attention. The question is - how many will it take?

  12. Blowing away all the smoke. If the Democrat's gain control in November America will never look the same. It is basically over. Borders will be open. Businesses will shut down because of regulations and etc. I do not care which party you belong to just look and see what the Dems are pushing. They are not the same party they were 10 years ago. They are now a socialist party wanting to tear down the country and rebuild. The folks in Washington in both parties have made billions of the people of this country. Why do you think they stay in office as long as they do. Either way I ask. Are you going to vote for a socialist society or someone that can keep this country on the rails. Look at New York and other citied today. That is what America will look like in the coming years. I will tell you today that Joe Biden will not be the President if elected. His health will not allow him to do the job. He will step aside and the vice president will be president. Then Nancy Pelosi will be next in line. That is the Democratic plan. Sorry but that is the truth. They do not want that out of the bag. But it is the plan. You may not like Trump for what ever reason. However what is the other option. Come on folks How do you want to live in the coming years. America will become a socialist country if the democrat's take control.


  13. Exactly, MD. I may not agree with everything Trump does but it's a damn sight better than the leftist Socialist agenda.

    One other thing: An absolute shit storm is bound to occur after election day in November. You can count on there being unprecedented rioting all over the US. If President Trump wins, the leftists will rebel. If Biden wins, they will feel emboldened to ramp up the riots calling for major social and economic changes. I'm afraid it's going to be terrifying.

  14. If the Democrats' win I hope Texas will break away as other states might do. You are right about the after election. I still think Trump will win in a landslide. The silent majority will turn out. These polls you hear a bunch of garbage. How can a man that cannot even carry a discussion be winning. Wait till it is time for a debate. Biden will not show up. People will get the word then.

  15. Spoken like true Trumpsuckers - regurgitating the same swill that has been hand fed to you for the past 4 years like a broken record. Hate to tell you this but you got sold a bill of goods by a savvy New Yorker who has made a small fortune suckering suckers. Biden is in fine health, there will be no unprecedented rioting and there is no radical left about to turn America into a socialist country. Aside from all of that nonsense - the only thing you should be concerned about is a pandemic that is growing exponentially and not as Trump said, “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”


  16. I sincerely hope you're right, John, but I'm pretty sure you're going to have to eat those words before the end of November. Enough said from me for now...we will all find out soon enough.

  17. Grandpa always told me, "Never try to teach a pig to sing. You will only frustrate yourself and annoy the pig."
    The economy is toast, millions of people out of work and out of benefits, facing an eviction avalanch of unprecedented proportions, businesses failing everywhere, food chain failures, crops destroyed, and a pandemic completely out of hand, with a full blown idiot at the wheel. And they are scared of something they have been told is socialism. More afraid of a possible black woman saving our sorry passes. It will take a miracle. And, oh, btw, do any of these tRump supporters collect Social Security?

  18. Again... Well Said Penelope!
    Dump Trump, He is such a good bullshitter because he is so full of it.
    The egotistical, lying, supreme being (in his mind) has no real clue about the average American and what their life is like.
