Saturday, August 15, 2020

Pandemic Saturday


Americans are still dying from Covid-19 at an alarming rate, yet nothing from the white house about the growing numbers.  In typical Trump fashion, all we got this week was a mean, nasty, and disrespectful response to Biden's announcement of his choice for VP.  Trump called Kamala Harris mean, nasty, and disrespectful (imagine that) and it looks like his new nickname for her is Phony Kamala.  In almost the same sentence he referred once again to Biden and Warren as Sleepy Joe and Pocahontas.  It is unfortunate that this kind of immature grade school behavior is what most appeals to his supporters.


  1. I am completely befuddled as to why our so called "checks and balances" are not being implemented in order to rid this country of this moron. It isn't doing any good whatsoever to be outraged at tRump. What we need to do is get rid of every elected official who supports him and start from scratch. I fear democracy is a thing of the past and we are a bunch of fools to think otherwise. Wishing it was different is not a plan.
    Washington is like day care with no one in charge.

  2. "Unfortunate" is putting it mildly. I just don't know what to think.....I am astounded.

  3. There is good and bad in everyone. We will soon see what the country wants. That will be interesting for me.

  4. Nothing about them could surprise me anymore. Schadenfreude...they embraced the plague and pay the price.
