Wednesday, September 2, 2020

desert life...

The business end of a critter that got me two nights ago (in the knee while I was in bed). This is the first time in almost 14 years in the desert that a scorpion ever got personal with me. Felt a sharp sting that only hurt for about 15 minutes. My knee was a little swollen and itchy this morning but that has pretty much gone away now. The scorpion lost this fight. 90,100,76,0,B


  1. Ouch! I am glad the effects were brief. I had two black scorpions have a go at my back when I lived in Whitsett, Tx and I had several very bad days from it. I should have gone to the hospital but I did not.

  2. Glad you didn't have a reaction.

  3. Maybe you should get another rooster? I've been stung quite a few times in my life and obviously am still here to tell the tale, but I do not like it. At all. Ben. That right?
    A great rooster.

  4. Man their some good eatin. For real
