Saturday, September 5, 2020

Pandemic Saturday


Trump vs Covid-19

March 10: “And we’re prepared, and we’re doing a great job with it.
And it will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.”
September 5: 188,274 dead Americans


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Apparently you somehow have missed the "fact" that Trump has consistently downplayed the pandemic, outright lied about it on several occasions, and has gone against the advice of health professionals since the beginning. Trump is the one and only not prepared (logistically or empathetically) for a catastrophic event.

  3. The pandemic numbers should easily double by election time. Labor day celebrations will scoot the numbers. TRump wants the numbers as high as possible in order to screw with the election. As grim as all this is, I at least had to chuckle when I read the news about the sinking boats at Lake Travis for the tRump boat parade.
    It does no good to explain anything to a trump supporter. They have all smoked the tRump crack and are never going to change their minds because they don't have one left to change. Thinking is just beyond their abilities. Researching facts just never enters their little pea brains.
    In the meantime, I am stocking up on food and supplies as fast as I can in order to survive the next few months. Have you seen the scarcity and the price increases? I saw a jar of sliced jalapenos go from two bucks to FIVE DOLLARS overnight. Don't delay your next shopping trip.

  4. I like to point to our governor here in CO, as an example of how good leadership can keep the crisis from spiraling out of control (and keep the death rate down as well). Trump's lies are exceeded only by his erratic "leadership" during this pandemic. Sure, our healthcare system was caught with its pants down; but Trump's lack of leadership, consistency, and fearmongering made it much, much worse.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. If it means a mature statesman that doesn't constantly lie and is willing to serve as a president for all people and isn't in it just for himself - then I am all for Biden. In 2016, Trump promised to reduce the trade deficit and said: 'You will see a drop like you've never seen before". The reality? It's the highest it's been in 12 years. And we are still waiting for Trump to come through on his other failed promises of building a wall (and making Mexico pay for it) and replacing Obamacare with something "really terrific".

  7. I'm still waiting for the virus to "magically disappear."

  8. I'm still waiting for Mexico to pay for the wall. There is a wall now, right? Oh wait...

  9. Brought to you by the party where a fetus is more important than a productive adust.
