Saturday, September 12, 2020

Pandemic Saturday


FYI - the world wide infection rate is still going up and just hit a new daily high.  So now Trump is saying he lied about the severity of the pandemic because he "didn't want to cause a panic".  A real leader would have warned and reassured the public by being honest and taking definitive action instead of lying and diverting attention away from a real crisis.   Unfortunately, not only has he constantly lied about it - he has ignored it altogether which has led to almost 200,000 deaths in the US.  He probably considers those who have died of Covid-19 "suckers" and "losers".  The real suckers and losers are his supporters.  If he gets reelected, then it will be time to panic.


  1. a big thumb s UP im a thirty year service veteran other native/X chicano on the rancho

  2. I am not sure of the exact number but heard that the Pandemic has taken over 6 times that of the 9/11 attack ans till killing people.

  3. The pandemic has taken over 64 times that of the 9/11 attacks.

  4. I suppose out in that sun-filled remote area you will not be able to vote.

  5. Texas has mail in voting for citizens over 65 years old. With the pandemic at code red, if you don't need to be out don't.

  6. I have requested a mail in ballot even though I am not over 65.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Unless the Democrat Party cheats with mail-in ballots. You better start panicking. Trump will be the next President. Joe Biden is not sure even where he is.

  9. Don’t see how one can cheap with a mail in ballot.
    Last time I voted in person I was led to a computer screen, a poll worker plugged a cassette into it and walked away; I made my selections and the poll worker pulled out the cassette and plugged it into another one. I never got to see how I voted or where the electronic ballot went
    Last time I voted by mail the ballot was sent to me and I filled it out; I then but it in an envelope and signed the envelope; I then mailed the envelope. The election clerk has to hold all the envelopes received unopened until Election Day. They have no idea who it’s from or how the ballot is voted. On Election Day they open the outer envelope with a representative from all parties on the ballot present. They then check the signature on the envelope against the signature give at the time of voter registration. if it is the same they open the ballot and count the vote with members of each party watching.
    Now tell me where in that system is someone going to cheat.

  10. Mr. Wells, I respectfully state that your opinion reflects your ignorance on the topic. If you really care about this country (perhaps you don't since you basically dropped out), you should do some research and get your facts straight. You live in a bubble and your perceptions do not reflect reality. If your only source of information is the net, you are a victim of the tech billionaires who control it and the information they want you to see. We all have two choices and one is not perfect but definitely safer than the other. If Biden gets elected, the real panic will begin and those of us who live in the real world will suffer considerably. You may even have a few more neighbors as a result.
