Saturday, September 26, 2020

Pandemic Saturday


FYI - the global daily infection rate is still going up with a new record high of 361,390 cases on Thursday.  1.  I went to Alpine yesterday and visited a local watchmaker who told me he thinks the pandemic is a joke.  2.  Stopped by to visit friends who own an antique store and it was filled with unmasked tourists even though there is a sign on the door that says "masks required".  3.  There is a rodeo in town this weekend and apparently they are all Covid deniers - and probably Trump supporters.  Thanks to these yahoos, look for a big bump in local infections in the next two weeks.  94,101,65,0,B 


  1. ah geez. Same scenario here, 350 miles to the NW. Well, no tourists here. Just locals.
    And I've been keeping record of the COVID numbers here. Going up, and up since Aug 1, and not just because there's more testing. I've been doing the local positivity. So, we'll see how it goes. Stay safe yourself.

  2. Wrong. 360 miles to the NE. Geez again.

  3. Perhaps it is a good thing...though I know your local economy will suffer because of it...that both Chili cook-offs have been canceled this year.

    I would hate to see how many more cases could have potentially ravaged this beautiful part of Texas that I so love.

    Please take care!

  4. I overheard an employee at my grocery store talking and she said her family thought it was a hoax and they had a big gettogether... And Now 4 are DEAD!

  5. Was just in NYC this past week. Those folks are taking it very seriously! I guess when you've been through a worst case scenario, you do what's needed to avoid it a second time. Masks everywhere. Social distancing. No groups of people on the street. Not surprisingly, there was not one MAGA hat to be seen. They know the orange messiah is clueless, and that's probably why they have one of the lowest infection rates in the country.

  6. Trump: “And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that's a pretty good job we've done."

    Karma is a bitch, Mr. President*.
