Saturday, October 17, 2020

Pandemic Saturday


"The light at the end of the tunnel is near.  We are rounding the turn," Trump told a group of fans Friday at an event in Fort Myers, Florida. "Don't listen to the cynics and angry partisans and pessimists."  Meanwhile - daily infections are hitting record high numbers worldwide and in 21 states in the US.  
Not sure what "tunnel" trump is talking about...


  1. I saw an interesting thing today in the sky. A banner being pulled by a plane. I haven't seen one of those in over 20 years. Used to be reserved for Good Year and local advertisements for local businesses like car sales or carpet sellers. It said, "TRUMP 2020 VOTE RED".
    Guess Trump.... sorry... the President (if you cant respect the man at least respect the office) has to pullout all the stops to try and win this election. Plane banner is kinda cheesy in my opinion. For the record I'm not crazy about Biden either. Its a choice of the lesser of two evils. Stay safe everyone.

  2. It’s rather simple. The evil you know or the evil you don’t know.

  3. Or how about an old white man, or an older white man.

  4. Best yet- the old guy with the best hairdo. We have been reduced to this. M

  5. 2020- How about an old fake orange man, or an older white man.
    Yes... the lesser of two evils.
    I would rather have a guy who doesn't draw on weather maps or tells us to inject bleach. One who cares about us, not just his all knowing egotistical self.
    At least Bidden would consult with his advisers before saying something and not just spew crap.

  6. C’mon man! You misspelled “Biden”

  7. it's all about entertainment - the better entertainer wins

  8. Thanks, Sorry... 'Biden'
    Another miss spell: Tuck Frump

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. For all the "lesser of two evils" crowd... I'm curious, why do you view Biden as evil?

  11. You also don't hear about things from Biden like leaving his vendors to lose their time labor and materials investment on his properties while he just files another bankruptcy. Woohoo, free stuff. No wait that's trump.
    Biden is not a liar, cheat, a thief and doesn't hang with porn stars.
    Trump however did go to church last Sunday instead of golfing. Amazing how they have cameras right up front in that church on the one day he has stepped into a church this year.

  12. Off Grid, I like the cut of your jib.
