Saturday, October 24, 2020

Pandemic Saturday


So a day after a new high for daily Covid-19 cases both in the US and worldwide, trump returned to the campaign trail for a series of rallies and again sought to minimize the surging pandemic by mocking Biden for following the social distancing recommendations of public health officials.  The world according to trump. "People are tired of Covid.  I have these huge rallies.  People are saying whatever.  Just leave us alone.  They're tired of it.  People are tired of hearing Fauci and all these idiots."   

"Coronavirus infections are spiking across the country, but President Trump decided to attack Dr. Fauci as a ‘disaster’ and call public health experts ‘idiots’ instead of laying out a plan to beat this virus or heeding their advice about how we can save lives and get our economy moving again. President Trump even criticized me yesterday for listening to the scientists — that’s not an attack, that’s a badge of honor. Waving a white flag and saying “it is what it is” is unacceptable when thousands of American lives are being taken each week when businesses are closing and schools remain shuttered. The American people have never backed down from a challenge, but they need a leader to show the way and all President Trump has done is cower and wallow in self-pity. Mr. President, you’re right about one thing: the American people are tired. They’re tired of your lies about this virus. They’re tired of watching more Americans die and more people lose their jobs because you refuse to take this pandemic seriously. Now, more than ever, we need a leader to bring us together, put a plan in place, and beat this virus — but you have proven yourself yet again to be incapable of doing that."  Joe Biden.


  1. What people should be tired of is hearing from trump and his supporters...

  2. It could also be said some people should be tired of hearing from biden and his supporters...

    But I do like Pandemic Saturday.

  3. It is sad to think that anyone could say that after all the blatant lies trump constantly tells. When it comes to fact checking - trump fails miserably every time.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I am a proud Trump supporter. He created the best economy in at least 50 years, before this China flu. We had the least unemployment in the last 50 years. Joe Biden and Obama did little for the economy and absolutely nothing for the H1N1 virus, both on their watch. Biden has accomplished nothing in 47 years of politics. and, if he manages to get into office, the left (Dems) will pull the 25th amendment and will install Kamala Harris as president, since everyone with a pulse knows Biden is an empty suit. She will attempt to destroy this country and build a "socialist utopia". Ask any good Marxist. Maga

    1. Economy was good. No argument there. But for someone who can't remember what foot he had bone spurs on to defer out of Vietnam and the call someone like John McCain a loser is unforgivable.
      Trump remained fixated on McCain, one of the few prominent Republicans to continue criticizing him after he won the nomination. When McCain died, in August 2018, Trump told his senior staff, according to three sources with direct knowledge of this event, ‘We’re not going to support that loser’s funeral,’ and he became furious, according to witnesses, when he saw flags lowered to half-staff. ‘What the f--- are we doing that for? Guy was a f---ing loser,’ the president told aides...

    2. He's a disgusting human being.

  6. sajuaro...You are reading from the trump playbook (and his incessant tweets) on his "success". By the end of the second term of the Obama/Biden administration, the number of persons with jobs, real median household income, stock market, and real household net worth were all at record levels, while the unemployment rate was well below historical average...all achieved after Obama/Biden inherited the economy of the great recession and subprime mortgage crisis which began in 2007. Trump inherited an already strong economy from the Obama/Biden administration and any benefits he was able to build on have been erased by his ignoring the pandemic. As for H1N1 - I suggest you do some research instead of basing your statement solely on the trump book of lies. It should be noted that never once did Obama or Biden downplay the swine flu pandemic nor did they ever refer to public health officials as idiots. To claim that Kamala Harris will take over as president in order to build a socialist utopia is just another stupid conspiracy theory from the trump twitterverse.

  7. Adversity actually reveals one's true character and Trumps is lacking, thinking people knew that 40 years ago. Trump is an empty suit with a big ego.

  8. If sycophants like "sajuaro" (jeez, learn to spell, dude) get their way and we have another four years of Trump, we truly won't survive. Currently we have a quarter million dead Americans (plus god knows how many permanently disabled by the virus), with all the associated grief, lost wages, families asunder etc that take a different kind of toll. If Trump has his way, we could easily see double those deaths in a year. Yeah, a Trump MAGAt would say, but what about jobs? Jobs? Jobs?

    My main beef with Trump is environmental, but looking at his Covid policies (or lack thereof) is also horrifying. Just take his Secretary of Labor, Eugene Scalia. By all intents a formerly respected corporate lawyer, this man has followed Barr's lead and gone full-MAGA, slashing OSHA regs and ignoring filed complaints of workers who aren't being protected from Covid. Here in Colorado, the black and brown folks working in our slaughterhouses are dying like flies. Yet OSHA issues NO rules for worker protections vis-a-vis Covid and ignores complaints. It is truly sickening. Listen, if I was a Biblical person, I mos def could believe Trump is the rough beast slouching toward Bethlehem. I want him stopped.
