Wednesday, February 10, 2021

jury of peers?

After watching the first two days of the trump impeachment trial, I have to say that the evidence presented so far has been incredibly damming for the "don".  A lot of the evidence coming from trump's incessant twitter stream and videos of the insurrectionists from their own social media platforms.   If I was a juror, this would already be a no-brainer - beyond a reasonable doubt.  But jurors in a normal court of law are not subject to losing their jobs because of their decision in a trial.  Unfortunately, the highly payed "jurors" in this trial are NOT impartial to the outcome.  Apparently many of the Republican members during the presentations are not even paying attention during the presentation of evidence and are already decided in saving their jobs as elected officials - afraid of being objective and weighing what is being presented with an open mind because of what they have to lose.  Will enough of them who pledged to uphold the constitution stand up for what is right above their own selfish desires?  


  1. As the honorable Judge Roy Bean would have said,..."Bring in the guilty party."

  2. That wasn't off topic or a conspiracy theory just fact. Why did that get deleted?

  3. I like the razor wire. I’ve already checked, Amazon Prime and
    and I can get it Friday, no problem. We may all need to order some.

  4. CBC... Be careful where you get your "facts" from. You probably still think the election was stolen. The premise that the impeachment trial is unconstitutional was proven wrong yesterday. FYI - all your comments from now on will be deleted because you are nothing more than an internet troll. If you wish to speak your "opinions" from now on, I suggest you start your own blog and voice them there. You no longer have a voice here.

  5. CBC He also looses all his “retirement” benefits other ex presidents have.

  6. Well, it was pretty well laid out ahead of time how the voting on this would go in the Senate. I think the R's consider it a "dog and pony show" and the D's a "standing up for whst's right" to be on the record. So we'll see where we can go from here.

  7. The GOP are culpable. I doubt there will be enough votes to impeach, but no one will be able to ignore his actions after what we heard today. Hopefully this is only the beginning of his legal problems. And, hopefully, he will keep the same "lawyers" he is using for the impeachment. I take some comfort knowing he will never have another peaceful day as his straw house empire crumbles.

  8. His impeachment needs to happen on so many levels.
    Mainly that he can not run for office again.
    There are so many sheeple that believe he is the savior concerns me.
    It has been proven with facts that he is a cheating liar and after the riots more proof his interests are not for the people.

  9. Now that he has been acquitted in the impeachment trial, we can only hope that the DOJ will bring charges against trump now...the outcome to be decided by an impartial jury that isn't afraid of being voted out of office by extremist idiots.

  10. I don't understand why the democrats demanded witnesses and then said "never mind", like Roseanne Rosanna Danna. It would have been so entertaining. A couple of weeks off while depositions were taken, then the public testimony, then bring the hammer down. Could it have been that the hammer might have not come down where they wanted it to?

  11. Unfortunately, I don't think any amount of witness testimony would have made any difference. Too many Republicans afraid of losing their next election.
