Thursday, March 4, 2021



  1. That show is how I found your blog. Back when it was about sustainable living.

  2. Nice passive aggressive comment. Here is the lesson I learned long ago - sustainable living is a myth. It can only happen in a temperate climate with a lot of fertile land and the willingness to spend every waking hour of every day just trying to keep yourself fed. Drawing attention to an insane president and his idiotic followers was an important part of my mission.

  3. Mission accomplished. Congratulations on your advocacy and erudition. Over the past year, it’s been gratifying to see many of the “alternative facts” right wingnuts self-purge from your site's comments.

  4. @Brian. Not a fair comparison. Comparing Biden to Trump is like comparing Apples to a seditionist, grifting, racist, child molesting, porn start banging, cheating and married 3 times, adderall addicted, low intelligence, morbidly obese, twice impeached, soon to be felon.

    There's really no comparison.

  5. Thats funny and I mean that in a non smart-ass way. Not a fan of either one of them. Grifter and racist could apply to both of them along with every other politician in today's world. Biden literally said a week ago that Latinos and blacks don't know how to get online to sign up for the vaccine!? I was just wondering if there would be a honest assessment of our current president,Like the honest assessment of sustainability from john. I shouldn't have interjected that comment and I apologize for that,wrong place. The episode of"TCR" about the field lab is a all-time favorite of mine.
