Saturday, April 17, 2021

Pandemic Saturday


daily cases worldwide
3,000,000 dead


  1. And? And it's horrifying. And many of these deaths could have been prevented. And the idea that folks won't follow simple measures to protect themselves and each others is a result of how deep in the shite is this country.

  2. My point is we all know the numbers because we're bombarded by fear porn constantly. We'll see after this all calms down that we're going to be dealing with excess cancer deaths,higher suicide rates, more drug overdoses and more domestic violence rates, more children falling behind in school because of the ineffective lockdowns and other measures our govt has forced on us which clearly don't work. And yes alot of deaths could have been avoided if Americans weren't such out of shape spoiled lardasses. Look at the stats, old people(who should have been protected from the start but werent) people with co morbidities and overweight people are at the most risk. The rest of us need to live our lives and stop hiding away from the world.

  3. Did you know 60,000 people a year die from complications from is risky we take our chances everyday in a million different ways. I choose to live life not just exist.

  4. Sigh. Let's just take one of the fallacies in your Faux-Fox-Fax. Co-morbidities (i.e. conditions that give folks a higher chance of succumbing to the virus) do not mean that a death shouldn't be counted as due to Covid, or should be counted as less, or whatever the disgruntled Trumpiverse says. Does't mean the death toll is exaggerated; doesn't mean that the statistics and graphs are "fear porn".

    Just ask Ted Nugent, the rabid virus-denier who's in a lot of pain right now with Covid.

    And another thing. Exactly how is it supposed to work "protecting" older folks? I'm 65. Should I shut myself inside, and give up my job, so that millenials can play Beer Pong in the dorms? The whole ridiculousness of "protecting those who are at risk" is simply another way of casting doubt on the effective ways we have as a society of fighting this virus.

    "Fear porn"? How about "social ignorance"? That might be your addiction, pal. To imagine that a society can ignore threats like Covid, due to the desire for pure, unadulaterated FREEdumb, is facile. Well, at least you don't appear to believe the virus is a hoax. I'll give ya that. Have a nice day.

  5. I've never said covid isn't real or hasn't killed people. I've had it and it sucked! And who the hell said anything about trump(reactionary much?). Never said that co morbidities and covid don't count as a death either just that those people are more susceptible to dieing. No I didn't say shut yourself away unless of course thats what you choose, I'm good either way. All I said is that people are quite aware of the situation and constantly being bombarded with fear is creating a society that's stressed beyond the limit. I also notice you didn't address any of the issues these lockdowns have and will create, huge mental health issues, children's education being utterly destroyed, increased suicides, drug overdoses , a tsunami of undiagnosed cancers that we'll be hearing about soon. And yes I am a huge proponent of freedom and personal responsibility and I agree a society shouldn't ignore threats like covid but they shouldn't cower in there homes and surrender either. I wish you a good day as well.

  6. And by old people I meant the nursing home debacle

  7. The "issues these lockdowns have and will create" are immeasurably less than the death of 560,000 Americans. Multiply that by ten and imagine the pain, sadness, misery and (since you seem to care about this uber alles) - lost productivity.

    Trying to second-guess where we'd be (economic impact, death) without the lockdowns is a fool's game. Realize that we are a society, a single entity with many units, that is trying its damnedest to get past this. Do your part; stop grousing about the inconvenience.
