Saturday, May 8, 2021

Pandemic Saturday


  1. Being a person who isn't antivax at all, my guess would be they don't want to take a vaccine that's only been approved for emergency use only and been given minimal testing at best. I think alot of people dont want to be lab rats.

  2. 1. This IS an emergency. 2. The Covid 19 vaccines went through the same stages of development and testing as other vaccines have - just at a much more rapid pace. 3.

  3. One way to deal with attention seekers is to ignore them.

  4. If giving a possible answer to a question asked is attention seeking than guilty as charged i guess.

  5. Just don't ask him two days in a row or you'll get two entirely different answers.

  6. This pandemic is real. It's also highly survivable. So, no thanks to a vaccine for me, thanks anyway. I don't trust anyone these days, the government and this Fauci character least of all. What are "they" thinking? That we are all free to say, "No".
