Saturday, August 7, 2021

Pandemic Saturday

Some very good points made here...


  1. Gotta keep that narrative going.

  2. Food for thought.

  3. I totally agree with the idea that if you choose to not get vaccinated and get sick with Covid, it's up to you to pay your own way. With all this talk about "freedom" from the anti-vax crowd, I believe I should have the freedom to NOT pay for the stupidity of others.

    Any freedom loving patriot anti-vaxers care to tell us why we should pay for your healthcare? The average cost for short-term hospitalization of a non-complicated case of Covid ranges from $51,000 to $78,000. If you get put on a ventilator or ECMO, you're looking at a deep six-figure price tag(assuming you survive).

  4. Yes we should stop paying the Healthcare cost for anybody who does anything that jeopardizes their health. In a country of incredibly overweight people that ought to end well.

  5. Should taxpayers "help out" with funeral costs?
    Maybe set up free cremation sites stocked with old tires?
