Saturday, August 21, 2021

Pandemic Saturday

How bad will the global pandemic have to get before (1.  everyone chooses to get vaccinated  2.  governments mandate and strictly enforce vaccination  3. it simply kills off all the unvaccinated and ends there).  Will any of these scenarios happen in time if need be?   Is it already too late? 


  1. Vaccination is not the total answer. My 96 year old Dad is double vaccinated, I took him myself the 1st week of January and 2nd shot 4 weeks later. This is day 8 in a COVID isolation unit. He was not bad at all when first tested and isolated, but has developed COVID pneumonia in both lungs. Oxygen 24/7, and barely keeps his level at 90. Prognosis not good, but hey, he was fully vaccinated.

  2. Sorry to hear about your 96 year old dad. Vaccination is the best answer we have. Covid is spreading and mutating precisely because there are still far too many people resisting the vaccine for all the wrong reasons. Vaccination is a race to give enough people immunity before the virus has a chance to mutate. Every infected person is one more chance for the virus to mutate, increasing the chances that a new variant emerges that spreads faster, makes people sicker, or can get around immunity. This is one reason why it is critically important for people to get vaccinated and continue to wear masks, wash hands, maintain social distance, and do everything they can to slow the spread of COVID-19.

  3. John, I agree with your last sentence, but take issue with your second sentence. You never mention anything ever about Therapeutics. Search for “FDA Quietly Authorizes Antibody Treatment for COVID-19 Exposure.” The key word is Quietly, meaning they don’t really want us to know about it. The exciting part is they are saying you can get MCA and just be exposed, not test
    positive. Which means that anybody going to Ace Hardware in Alpine or perhaps the Home Depot in Phoenix would be eligible, cuz everywhere you go, you are being exposed to it. We have several therapeutic regimens that are now being used, and maybe a whole host of new one introduced in the future. Right now the folks in power are saying the vaccines don’t last as long as we first thought, better get in line for a third booster shot. There has got to be more than vaccination, and I’m fully vaccinated and will get the booster first week in October. I know you don’t like to challenged, but hey, let’s try to learn from each other rather then name calling.

  4. Several misspelled words but you get the message.

  5. The COVID hotspots/infections/hospitalizations/deaths maps frequently seen (e.g. Johns Hopkins, NYT) are wildly misleading. They suggest the U.S./Europe are hotspots. Maybe, but they also suggest Africa/China/Russia/India etc. relatively aren’t. ? You can’t report unless you surveil (most of world surveils poorly). If you surveil but repress reporting, same result: a misleading picture.
    The original C-19 virus and its more infectious delta mutant originated outside the U.S. in populous high-disease burden, low-resource countries. Most of the global population remains unvaccinated (not by choice). A perfect breeding ground for selection/emergence of an infectious vaccine-resistant mutant.
    Case of think global, act local (and globally).

  6. Hachita—
    I must not be very smart, cuz I don’t what the hell you are talking about. Global this, surveil this and that. Will any of that protect me from COVID or get my Dad out of COVID prison. I’m looking for answers, maybe a little help. I guess I’ll go get a booster, then another booster, then another…
    I repeat, there has to be more to this than (global) vaccination.

  7. Shadow Warriors-
    Global public health surveillance, reporting, vaccines, and therapies are the foundation of a rational response to infectious disease. The system is weak.
    Really sorry about your Dad. I lost my brother last year to COVID. Wish I had an answer. I got a 3rd Moderna two weeks ago from a pharmacy that was preparing to discard that lot since a lot people in my area are suspicious of vaccines and didn’t show up to get vaccinated.
    Best to you and yours.

  8. New study about mask:

  9. My grandchildren help with my yard work. I pay them a reasonable (for 2021) hourly wage. #1 grandson was over yesterday to change the drive belt that had come loose. We had to go to Tractor Supply for a new belt He drove and we stopped at an ATM for me to get some cash. Pulling back onto the street we had to wait for an SUV in front of us to move. On the rear window was a small sticker that said, “America, what are you mad at today?”

    He asked, “What do you think Papa?”

    I answered, “I'm mad at the huge number of people that are willfully ignorant. Their ignorance is why we cannot have nice things in our society.”

    He had no comment and we went about our errands.

    In this thread we see many individuals that make the choice to be ignorant of facts, evidence and good medical practice.

    These few are representative of millions of individuals that are why we have had 620,000 plus deaths.

    Covid-19 and variants will be with humanity for years to come. If we as a society choose to continue to ignore facts, evidence and good medical practice there will continue to be needless deaths from something that is mostly preventable.

    I pray every day that willful ignorance will go away. But I suspect that is one prayer that will not be answered.

  10. “Stupid is as stupid does.” – Forrest Gump

  11. For those that didn't read above article:

    "The study from the University of Waterloo in Canada showed N95 or KN95 masks did the best job in containing aerosol droplets from the wearer's mouth.

    The blue, cloth surgical masks that have become popular during the pandemic were found be only 10 percent effective as it does not cover the face properly. "

    Conclusion is? For anyone that needs this to be peer reviewed....

  12. "3. it simply kills off all the unvaccinated and ends there"

    How about 3b. the unvaccinated acquire natural immunity and it ends there? Wouldn't we prefer that scenario? It seems a bit much to expect them all dead.

  13. Does anyone on here actually read the studies or just the MSM cliff notes version?

  14. Doesn't look like the vaccines will give any lasting protection looks like boosters forever.

  15. Brian... I'll point out that dead is also 'forever'. I'll take a needle jab over death.

  16. LeoinSA.. so you don't actually read the research just the cliff notes. Good luck.
