Saturday, August 28, 2021

Pandemic Saturday


The evidence is overwhelming that the resurgence of the pandemic is the direct responsibility of Covid deniers and those who refuse to get vaccinated or practice any of the suggested safety guidelines.  Unfortunately, the future outcome of coronavirus on the population falls on the backs of complete idiots who follow the plethora of internet misinformation and conspiracy theories, and/or have distorted views of what they believe are their "personal freedoms".  If you express anything different in the comments - you obviously have no idea what you are talking about and you are part of the problem.    


  1. I agree with John, shave your whiskers (CDC) and wear n95 or better. Take the Trump vaccine.

  2. Well said John. I add “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level
    and then beat you with experience.” -- Mark Twain

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. As an avid follower of conservative AM radio, I've noticed that many of their talking idjit heads say "Well I've had the vax, but it should be a personal choice!! America blah blah, freedom blah blah!" And they work mightily against any current or future mandates, and dis the businesses that require patrons to be vaxed. (This last despite previous teeth-gnashing over any suggestion that businesses shouldn't be able to set their own rules, letting the "free market" take care of questionable decisions.)

    Here in Denver CO, we had a local conservative radio host who almost died from Covid, yet rose from the dead proclaiming he still wouldn't get vaxed and he still maintained it should be a "personal choice". I'm sure in private he feels differently - but is simply too afraid of Trump supporters causing him to lose his job.

    Captain Trips has a long timeline; perhaps this thing will take care of itself.

  5. No dissent thus no debate. That echo chamber must get awfully loud.

  6. There is no debating these facts. Idiots who leave comments to the contrary are a danger to the world and get deleted.

  7. New study from Carnegie Mellon and Pittsburgh University says some of the most vaccine hesitant are people with Phd's...weird.

  8. If the vax is the answer eventually all the unvaxed will be out of the picture either by extinction or conversion on the topic, and the vaxed will then be in charge of the planet. If the vax is not the answer it will not be the fault of the unvaxed, but of an ineffective vax. In the meantime we should endeavor to love everyone, regardless of their opinion, because this is dividing us like the argument that black people cannot be racist. Neither of these positions makes sense.
