Tuesday, December 7, 2021

On this day 14 years ago...


...the building materials for my hut arrived at a spot off the ranch road where I was camped. 


  1. A splendid, fascinating, and highly productive 14 years. Happy Anniversary!

    ps: remmij, Nice to see you again! Thanks for the NYT piece.

  2. I thought it was longer than that. Oh well, I am old.

  3. I remember when I read that Penelope Green article about you in NYTimes (2011), and started following you.


  4. Time has certainly gone by fast. I remember seeing the Betty Boop trailer on my annual trips to the chili cook-off and then seeing it or perhaps another one like it at an eating establishment that was painted all in pink.

    I do not know why every time I try to read a New York Times article it tells me I have reached my limit of 3 articles when I seldom read any...perhaps the limit is 3 overall articles without a subscription?

    I found you in 2008 when Ara did a blog about you. Happy 14th Anniversary and may you celebrate many more.

  5. Where is Ara? I hope he is ok. I really enjoyed reading his Oasis of my Soul blog. It has been a long, long time since I've seen a post.

  6. I have no idea where Ara is these days. He sold his property out here many years ago.
