Monday, January 24, 2022

dish mount

My Starlink equipment is due to arrive tomorrow.  Rigged up some old Dish Network parts to mount the new technology onto.  52,63,25,0,B 


  1. This is gonna be good.

    Marcia Ball - Right Tool for the Job

  2. Looks very Mad Max-ish!

    Hachita, I love Marcia Ball. Saw her live in Austin years ago...she and Pinetop Perkins (RIP) dropped into a Lucky Tomblin concert I was at, to see a high school buddy who played with the LT band. Ah memory.

  3. As a DSL user like you John I am wondering how you justify the added expense of the switch to star link. Like mine your DSL seems to be pretty reliable. I suspect that the time spent uploading may be a real issue for you.

  4. MMM...You are correct - upload speed is a real problem for YouTube videos and live streaming HD video. I am stuck at 1 mbs up speed which is why my videos are so short. My longest video at 23 minutes took 11 hours to upload. I am a huge fan of SpaceX and just had to try out this technology. Once it is fired up, I have a 30 day window to use it and return it for a full refund if I don't like it.
