Monday, April 18, 2022

A cat at TFL



  1. Now there's a visitor I would encourage.
    Nice looking too. Do you have a neighbor close by that the cat may have come from?

  2. I love cats...I just hope he did not get separated from his owners by mistake. If you ever want a cat, I am the person to call. I currently look after 7 stray cats, 2 kittens, and a friendly male cat that showed up this weekend wanting a place to crash at.

    I am willing to drive to Terlingua to place them in a forever home.

  3. Since John enjoys watching the native wildlife (love the baby doves!), he shouldn't encourage this cat. The little darlings are predators who kill for the fun of it, and it's baby season! I hope this cat is the exception and doesn't return.

  4. No cats for me...and luckily this one didn't hang around and hasn't been back.

  5. Not exactly habitat for a cat. It's as likely to be prey as predator. Probably not long for this world, and interesting that it made it as far in the boonies as your place.
