Friday, April 8, 2022

Solar job lll




  1. I would double check to make sure blue handle crimpers are in standard gauges and not metric. The numbers on jaws. The metric ones are oddball sizes.

  2. Jeff...

  3. The first one I ordered was metric instead of standard. They sent me the wrong one. By the time I figured it out, the return ran out. So, now I have one of each. The millimeters converted to odd sizes. They converted to odd number gauges. The metric is HX-50B instead of HX-50BI. Who would ever thought, 2 different lug systems.

  4. …thought WindyNation was the place that sold the hi-tech pinto frejoles… there is little that is clean power with them, they will short-circut things too…metric or standard.
    fusing a solar PV system
    it seemed so simple at first
    "Digestive problems that occur after a certain food is eaten.
    • Treatment can help, but this condition can't be cured
    • Usually self-diagnosable
    • Lab tests or imaging rarely required
    • Chronic: can last for years or be lifelong"

  5. I am throwing in all the bells and whistles on this installation to make it code compliant even though we have no codes out here. My own systems have never had any fuses or circuit breakers and in 14 years of off grid living, I've never had any problems.
