Tuesday, June 14, 2022

back in business...

Nice visit today with Luther Krueger who came out to include The Field Lab in his solar cooking series on YouTube.  My solar oven heated up nicely today.  Clouds rolled in just before it got to 400°.  
76,105,77, .81",W


  1. I remember Bonita and the yucca blossom bouquet you gave her. Bens horns are huge.

  2. Solar cooking series. You see. Fame follows you even in the desert. Those horns of Ben must weigh a ton. How old is he now? Since I can remember he has just always been part of the cast.

  3. Ben will be 10 years old on July first.

  4. Thanks John for the great visit! I especially enjoyed surveying your off-the-grid life co-existing with great tech applications. Can't wait to re-live the day when I edit!
