Tuesday, September 27, 2022

One mile wifi range...

Mounted the wifi booster much higher and got a lot better range. I used a 32' long aluminum awning roller tube from an RV as the mast for the antenna. Those things are a dime a dozen because folks often don't bother repairing them after they've left their awning unfurled until the wind has come along and torn the whole thing up. The combination of an external antenna on the wyze cam v3 and my wifi booster mounted really high made a huge difference in the wifi range of the camera. 81,86,59,0,B


  1. How far is cell phone on WiFi range? Might be a good thing to know "just in case".

  2. Very nice antenna mast. Dime a dozen where?

  3. Milton...I am just saying they seem to be easy to find in areas where there are a lot of RVs. I found 4 of them out here - all from RV owners who did exactly what I said in the blog post.
