Monday, September 5, 2022

The Hard Way

A little over 2" of rain this past week has taken its toll on a couple spots on Mailbox Road. Someone who just bought property out here learned about road conditions after a good rainstorm...the hard way. Got her unstuck yesterday. As of today, I can't get through - but upon closer inspection, it looks like I can reasonably fix the bad spots enough to get my truck through them. I am going to work on them by hand tomorrow. Hopefully the road crew will be out to thoroughly fix all the problem spots before I spent too much time slaving away with just a shovel... 85,88,61,0,B


  1. Beautiful slice of West Texas monsoon off the grid reality. Enjoyed the music and ending sync.

  2. Ah, socialism at work. Love it. Guess the government is good for a few things.

  3. This is a private road - the government is not involved.
