Thursday, December 22, 2022

Ready for the cold snap...

I think I've decided to keep this desk after all.  I rather like having lots of work room for a change and it doubles as a dining room table at dinner time.  Going to be hunkered down inside for a couple of days so I will also use it as a workbench for some electronics projects.  Hung that round wall clock today.  41 years ago, I "appropriated" it from one of my interior design classrooms at UNC-G and incorporated it into my most recent interior design.  Somehow, I kept it in pristine condition all these years and it still runs perfectly.  All prepped for the cold front.  Added some extra hay on top of the bunny nest.  Not sure if there are any little ones in there yet, but I set up a new surveillance camera to keep an eye on it.  I have plenty of propane for heat - and I got my old gas grill ready to go to keep my tomato plants from freezing.  42,75,28,0,C


  1. Looks very nice. Does the old rotary phone work?

  2. I love a tidy work area! --Glad the cold is leaving Colorado (I had a low of minus 17.5)...thanks for thinking of the buns!

  3. Aeg...yes, the phone works - but it is just for decoration. I no longer have a land line to plug it into.
