Thursday, January 12, 2023

how the day starts...



  1. Wow quite a routine! I predict this post will bring many more comments than usual. My question is surely that cannot be all the water you have to bring to your longhorn daily. The amount of water I've heard that the bovine family drinks is huge.

  2. Ben gets that much water (5 gallons) delivered 4 times a day. I used to have a float valve on his water bowl so he had an unlimited supply - but he was drinking far more than he needed so I cut his ration to 20 gallons per day total. Normally I give Ben a good back rub with breakfast but didn't want to dilly dally too long while making this video.

  3. I’m glad u have Ben. I remember Benita and the yucca flowers she enjoyed. Still have her coffee cup.

  4. I love this. What critters are you feeding with the grain / seeds sprinkled on the board? Rabbitry? Doves?

  5. Do you still poop in a bucket? Asking for a neighbor.

  6. I stopped bothering with a bucket over 10 years ago. I just pick a new spot outside each time I poop and kick a little dirt on top of it. The TP goes into my burn pit.
