Friday, February 10, 2023

Long day...

Woke up at 5AM and couldn't go back to sleep so I figured I might as well fire up the 3D printer.  Wasn't planning on doing the rest of these today but I got an early start.  Took 8 hours to print and 1 hour to assemble the final 4 clock boxes.  

For the record:  I am building a working model of the digitally animated screensaver clock I posted about here... The Field Lab: CLOCKOHOLIC 


  1. 6 days without anyone posting anything is giving me anxiety, so I’m breaking the mojo and saying I don’t have a clue what you are doing, and from this perspective it pretty fnning boring.

  2. just.Bob - Here is a clue: I am building a working model of the digitally animated screensaver clock I posted about here...

  3. Thanks Dr remmij. I still fill anxiousness, tho. Maybe if you would write me or phone me in a prescription.

  4. Dr remmij, while you are prescribing medications, please send one in for John, he apparently has insomnia.

  5. neither a doctor nor witch nor PA I be… just prescribing a little levity…
    oh damn, there's another weather balloon/object…

  6. Hey John, still checking in on you now and then
    (you're bookmarked as TexasFreak for some reason,
    random short hand i guess)

  7. Vista de Peyote Cafe...
    "TexasFreak" pretty much sums me up.
