Tuesday, March 7, 2023

The good ol' days...

Facebook reminded me today of this photo I posted 10 years ago.  I also posted it on my blog on this day back in 2013 (and noticed that remmij even commented way back when).  Dick Cain moved away from the area after he was forced to give up his longhorn herd.  Now a decade later...instead of once-a-month sighting of lone cowboy on horseback, I see 10 tourists a day in vehicles that have no business driving on dirt roads.  81,89,44,0,C


  1. that was a blast from a past…
    two old spirits looking toward the future - little could they know… (or would want to)
    - have wondered what became of Mr. Cain & the 'horns --

    somber, but makes me smile:

    10 years from now - less tourists - too many traffic lights ;-\

  2. I reckon that the animals were destructive to that environment, but it seems like the tourists are too? Hmm.

  3. Looks like and reminds me of the Marlboro Man.

  4. ...except this cowboy quit smoking over 40 years ago.

  5. The Marlboro Man died 2008 of lung cancer. He was a working cowboy at the famous 6666 Ranch at Guthrie, Texas that Taylor Sheridan of Yellowstone and later shows bought recently.
