Monday, June 19, 2023

A bit toasty...

Summer is definitely in full swing at TFL.  This is day 11 of over 100° highs.  It has been a while since this has happened.  The last couple of summers were particularly mild - temperature wise.  Checking my recorded weather data, the summer of 2011 the most brutal since I moved here. From late May through early September, there were 117 days with highs above 100 - with one stretch of 55 consecutive days of triple digit peaks.  It was the hottest summer on record for Texas.

According to meteorologists, it looks like at least the rest of June is going to have daytime highs above 100°.  The scorching conditions are linked to a heat dome, or a ridge of high pressure, centered over northern Mexico.  So far, my Pepino swamp cooler (with a newly installed pad) has been keeping up with the daytime heat and cooling the hut down nicely overnight. 107,110,74,0,C


  1. Whats the temperatures inside the hut? Im curious how well the swamp cooler works.

  2. The chart on this blog post shows how the inside and outside temperatures compare throughout the day.
