Saturday, February 28, 2009

Bread Mixer

Low this morning of 42 - high of only 64. Max wind gust this morning of 36mph....Average wind speed from 9 to 5 was 15mph with a max gust of 30mph. Needless to say it was windy all day. Haven't set an alarm clock for years now....yet one went off at 5:05AM. WIND! From 5 to 6AM we had gusts that made it hard to get back to sleep. Max speed was 36mph. The winds died down by 6 and I was able to get back to sleep till 7:45. Waiting for the wind to subside so you can get back to sleep was sort of like waiting for aspirin to take effect when you have a headache.
Hit the GrubShack for one last breakfast sandwich before Betty begins her Sun-Mon off. She told me that Ben and wife had come in for breakfast and they got surprised my the winds this morning at their house in the sky (they came in last night). No damage but lots of stuff blowing around. Toilet paper seems to react very well to wind. After the breeze this morning it was time to remove my now shredded sun screen on the west side of the porch. All it has been doing lately is flap in the wind, providing little shade and lots of noise.

Popped another loaf of bread in the solar oven ( this time with bacon, beer, onions, and CHEESE! ) then shot down to Study Butte to buy some cheap cigarettes. Ran over to H2OtoGo to check in with my friend Carolyn. Got directions to her house so I can come out tomorrow to check out their garden plan.
Pulled the bread out of the oven and cut off half to take over to Ben the Builder. He has been busy all day sealing up parts of his house and installing a door. His wife Vanessa spent the day mortaring a rock column for a future table. Since Ben gave me the idea for beer bread in the first place - it was only fitting that I bring him a chunk of my latest incarnation. He brought out a cement mixer for his job that he has graciously allowed me to use. That should make quick work of the concrete I need to pour for the container foundations....and perhaps a bulk batch of bread dough?


  1. you going to open a bakery in one of those containers? :D

  2. Your bread looks scrumptious, even worthy of a drive to Terlingua for a bite. Especially now that you have added beer and cheese to the mix!!

    Did not know Betty took Sunday and Monday off. She is missing the Sunday going back home crowd by closing her business.

    It was nice of Ben to lend you his cement mixer but then again you were also nice enough to help him carry all that plywood up to his roof.

    One dumb question...why do you need cement under your containers when you put concrete blocks and I thought treated wood underneath them?

  3. You need to pick up some ear plugs. Last time I was in Marathon the winds were howling so loud I couldn't sleep. I put in my ear plugs and sleep through the winds the whole night.

  4. Heyah, John. I am starting to get hungry for some of this bread myself. I'm thinking of going down on Monday and seeing what's going on in South County. E-mail me your phone number if you don't mind me stopping by. Talk to you later.

  5. Jonh,
    I sure have been enjoying reading your blog. My wife, some friends, and I are frequent visitors to the area. I first visited Terlingua in 2001, and it was love at first sight. We'd love to come by for a visit on our next trip out your way. I'll contact you before we come, to see if you need us to bring you anything from the city. - Allen Hare
