Sunday, March 1, 2009


For as long as I can remember, I have had the pleasure of knowing a great story teller. This guy was the master of relating news of the day in a way that really put it in the right context. He could spin a yarn with just the right amount of twists and turns to keep me on the edge of my seat till the suprise ending came. His stories always had a good side to what could sometimes be a tragic tale. Somehow there was always a silver lining - if not in the actual story, at least in the message it was sending. I couldnt even begin to tell you how many times I have heard this guy on almost a weekly basis - often daily. He had a distinct signature in his delivery that assured he owned every word he spoke. His reputation as such an excellent communicator made it easy to trust his judgment in life - If he suggested something, it was probably the right thing to do. As an older gentleman, my friend held fast to moral standards no longer present in modern society. Last of a dying breed in America. He has been telling stories since 1951 but I only started hearing my true favorites in 1976. He was not family or even anyone I had ever met personally but he always seemed like an old friend. I learned a lot from this man over the years. I heard his stories on the radio.

His name was Paul Harvey. He died yesterday at the age of 90. I kind of feel like I have lost a best friend. At the ripe old age of 82 back in 2000 - he signed a 10 year, 100 million dollar contract with ABC Radio Networks. I think they short changed him. And now you know.....the rest of story.

Good day!


  1. I'm with you on missing Paul Harvey. -rick

  2. I always liked the smirk I thought I could detect in his voice as he bid me "good day" at the end of his quirky news piece. Godspeed, Paul Harvey.

  3. I always thought of him as the "good" news.

  4. I was very sad to hear of his passing.
    Thank you for the kind words.

  5. All the good ones are leaving us and no one is filling their shoes.

  6. a good long life! Brian, OFM, Mark, Lloyd, or Baxter can now take over for Paul Harvey!!!!

  7. John, I listened to the program about you on KRTS-online tonight. It was great listening entertainment. I wish the interview were available on their website for others to hear.

  8. From Maine to Oklahoma to Tejas Paul Harvey was a constant. He weaved his stories from the 1960's through the millennium for me and I always found myself comforted by those tales. He will be missed-John
