Tuesday, April 14, 2009

early wrap...

Had 12 for breakfast today including Sergio - the BIG black bull. I give him plenty of space (out of fear, respect, and admiration) as his balls are the size of grape fruit. This guy appears to be all horns, balls, and muscle. Reckoned incorrectly that I would be pouring concrete today...apparently I didn't get the memo that there was a bit more form work to do. Took all day to double check and tweak the levels and install the rebar. Now I think I am ready for the concrete.

Checking in and out early tonight as I'm heading over to Crusty Ken's for a spaghetti dinner soon. Had just enough sun today to bake a loaf of Chelada Garlic bread in the solar oven.


  1. From What little we can see of Sergio he looks a lot like a Mexican fighting bull.. if he is, and ever charges you. Remember, when they lower their head they can't see you.. simply set aside.

  2. Spaghetti and chelada garlic bread sound divine just about now. Just drove in from Houston and alas there is nothing open at this hour in my little town.

  3. Simply set (step) aside ?

    Yep, coming from an old timer for sure. But from an old timer Matador? Right !!!!!!!!!

    If that bad boy charges you, you will freeze in fright and get creamed..

    Big Balls in Cowtown, you will go down ! Big Balls in Cowtown, you are a clown.

  4. Naw Anonymous,, I grew up with cattle and been butted, and charged more than once.. only been knocked down once, by a heifer with big ole horns!!! .. I learned early on, to reach out with one hand and put your hand with a stiff arm on the head and the force will most likely move you away.

  5. Sergio looks like he's part Corriente but those horns say he's also got some Watusi in him.
