Wednesday, April 15, 2009

go fly a kite...

Had 10 for breakfast....not a one of them willing to help me out with the day's pour. They all took off when I tried to get Walter started ( Ben named his cement mixer Walter ). I had everything ready to go but Walter's pull rope broke on about the 10 yank. Drat! I thought for a brief second that I might have to give up....then opened Walter up and took care of the problem. A few more yanks and Walter came to life. Took 8 loads in the mixer to fill my forms. Boy I'm glad that first try worked so well...I was putting off getting started due to the fact that I had to use an unfamiliar machine. Now we are best friends.

Wrapped the day up with and early shower then tossed my dinner into the solar oven. Had an hour or so to kill so I fired up one of the kites that Cousin Holly brought out for me. It's been soaring away for a couple hours now. Dined at a respectable 6:30PM. I will reveal my secret Field Lab concrete mix if it sets up without fail.


  1. You would make the perfect husband!!! You can make or fix just about anything.

  2. Looks like you're doing some heavy-duty construction there, good work! I just came across your blog and have enjoyed reading many of your entries from 2008. Just curious--what kind of Information Technology (IT) infrastructure do you have out there that allows you to post everyday? I know you have wind and PV power, but I'm curious about your HW and internet connection in such a remote place. Do you use a satellite link?

  3. boborama,

    John has a buried telephone line to his place and a DSL connection.

    If you lived in a remote part of the ranch that may not be possible and you could use a satellite link.

  4. Excellent. After I wrote that comment, I found a blog entry describing a 48 oz tomato juice can lamp, with a picture of the command center, with laptop, two phones (one local, one long distance) and saw the dsl modem tacked up on the wall. Nice setup! I lived in the Australian Outback--up in the Territory, north of Alice Springs--for four years, so I've explored alternate internet access technologies for awhile. I gather John leaves a bit off the beaten path, so it must have cost a pretty penny to lay that cable! Thanks for the info, and I'll definitely keep following this blog as it seems we have a lot of interests in common!
