Sunday, March 21, 2010

it's what's for dinner....

Some hunter/neighbors SW of me came out today to drop off their extras on the way back to the big city. Kind of nice to have 3 generations stop by for a visit. When any part of the group that owns Panther mountain goes camping, I make out like a food bandit when they leave. Plenty to keep my belly full for awhile including some fresh killed Aoudad - tasted like...meat.

Maria the botanist was out again today to study my plant life. Not much new discovered other than the young blooms didn't really care for the freeze we had last night. Took her for a brief tour of the swimming hole - the epicenter of the 6 mile range of the Terlingua Creek Cat's Eye. Thanks to no wind for a change - off and on throughout the day, I prepped the blocks for the SE corner for the greenhouse foundation. Benita watched. 58,75,23!,0


  1. Are you going to plant a time capsule in one of your corner stones?

  2. I understand being diplomatic but... what if that was Benita's head?

  3. It was very nice of them to share their goodies with you.

    For a second there I thought the gentlemen on the right was Billy Bob!!

    Maria works on Sundays? Hard working student.

  4. Just thought I'd let you know how much I an enjoying the webcam this morning. I am having my breakfast and so is Benita. Almost like being there....except with heat.

  5. MsB, that was Billy Bob's head they were holding. The old goat!

    I'd second the time capsule deal. Could be cool.

    As for the Aoudad I understand they were imported and are breeding the Texas longhorn sheep out of existence because they interbreed and the offspring is sterile. Better them than the native sheep!

  6. The foundation looks great. How do you stabilize the block once it's in place?
