Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Walked the new land again and found two nice draws, one of which has a 10' waterfall during rains. Several nice old desert junipers also grow out there. Major find of the day was an old car battery and a motorcycle gas tank. The battery had to have been dropped where I found it but the tank could have floated down from God knows where.

Had a morning of shoveling today....cow poop and sand. No longhorns today due to high winds, I reckon. Thought it was a good sign to start moving the fresh loads to the compost area. Wheeled a couple more loads of sand into position to fill the north and south walls.

Two more signs that spring is first lizard sighting and my twilight bats were back this evening....sure is hard to get a photo of the bats. 58,75,38,0


  1. You're becoming a Land Baron, John! My Texas Atlas and Gazetteer arrived in the mail today. Mom and I will begin preparing our travel plans and hopefully be seeing you before it gets too hot! I'll drop you an email.

  2. A couple of interesting finds on the new land. From the looks of that gas tank, it has been there for a while. It would be interesting to know the story behind it.

  3. Hello John, Treasure hunting again? I like the photos you take!

  4. John, are you going to install hanging doors that run along tracks, top and bottom, at the ends of your building? Or will it be swinging doors?

  5. Spring must be here, in Live Oak TX, saw my first hummingbird today (3/11/10), and my first swallows yesterday.

  6. Marlene, good question!

    Im hoping for giant saloon doors made of steel to match his building.
