Tuesday, March 9, 2010

TFL just got a little bigger...

Biz down south yesterday was to seal the deal on acquiring 20 acres that borders my property to the south. It's official now - The Field Lab is 33 1/3% bigger. I have had my eye on this chunk for over a year and decided it was time to pull the trigger. Spent most of the day walking the new spread and picked a couple of possible locations for future guest quarters . The new south end of my empire has a most excellent view. 57,80,36,0


  1. Congratulations John. Gorgeous view! ~jen

  2. Awesome, John. Congratulations!

  3. congratulations on the expansion. Reminds me of a Jimmy Buffet song- "I'm the king of somewhere hot!"

  4. Technically I'd call it 50% bigger given the original 40 acres.tem

  5. nice spread you got there John

  6. Cool veiw! Good to see you expan. Congratulations!

  7. glad to see you are growing and not melting away out there.

  8. Good job, Land Baron. We didn't "pull the trigger" fast enough on the 20 acres just south of The Home Place, and now we have a new neighbor. They're a great group of 3 or 4 guys, strictly hunters, and our desire to pick up the 20 acres had nothing to do with keeping anyone else from buying it. It just would have been nice to add it to the mini-empire.

  9. And you already have phone service there. I'll be in Big Bend at the end of the month. Maybe I'll get to drop by.

  10. 40 acers sounds like alot and would be in the rest of the world. Down there though you look at your property lines and think " Is that all there is". Looks small in the big country. Enjoy

  11. congrats on the new purchase! IF you want privacy and no one else living around you, then you just made a smart move. It should assure your view for many years to come.

  12. Congrats! Following your blog (and photos) for quite some time and I like following your progress!
    Just got me thinking you're probably the friendliest ceasar of any empire I know of ... ;)

  13. Well done JW. Are you going to build a bridge across the creek?

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. John, you are rapidly becoming a Texas land Baron! Congrats, fellow Texan!

  16. Reminds me of the advice Daddy gave me as a kid, Get a lot while you young. Took me years to figer out he meant LAND!!
    But as a younger fellow I dang sure tried to get all I could. :-)

  17. Excellent purchase! That picture, which we assume is from the new land, is way beautiful. Way to go!

  18. "Beyond was all around me..." Cheers to more beyond :o)
