Monday, March 14, 2011

multi cow...

I think word got out about the Times article in the longhorn world.  43 cows and calves and Oscar the bull spent the day at TFL.  Benita is edging me out on attention from the piece...she has over 1000 fans now.  All I could work into the schedule today was to mail off the latest postcard orders  (mug order info coming this week).  Spent the rest of the day contemplating longhorns.  Was so nice to have the spring cows roaming around finally.  There were about 15 new calves in today's gathering.  Benita seemed a bit put off by the crowd - but no one messed with her - including her ex boyfriend, Oscar the bull.

For myself...the recent publicity has helped reconnect me with several of my old NY friends.  Just heard today from my old Spencertown pal Cathy Grier.   She and her partner Michele built a super energy efficient house in my old hood a couple of years before I ran away to Texas.  I went through her music site and watched this video today of her underground work in NYC.   Nice profile and made me a bit nostalgic for the subway system (except for the smell of urine and vomit one would occasionally encounter).  67,76,48,0,B


  1. I wonder in that area how many acres it takes to feed 1 cow JW check with the rancher who owns those an let us know please

  2. hey John thanks for the shout out. I do love singing in the subway, that clip was made by Dutch film students at Hunter College. Alas I do have to put up with many extremes: heat, cold, and at the Grand Central Shuttle platform when the train approaches, many times a huge wiff of rancid rat pee.....
    x Cathy nycsubwaygirl

  3. I enjoyed the NYT article, thats how I found your blog. Small world, about 20 years ago, I assisted Chris Callis. Have you written about your Aeolian Harp? I'd like to put one together at a lake house. And yes, the subway smell memory persists like nothing else.

  4. I also read about you in the New York Times,and I really enjoyed the piece. It fact, I felt inspired by it, even though as a Mainer, my immediate environmental concerns are different from yours. (Lack of water is not a problem here.) I'll be reading your blog on a regular basis.

  5. John, just met a family at the GS asking how to get to your place. I told them to MAKE SURE you get their pictures on the porch!

  6. I wanted to mention rats the size of armadillos and the many talented musicians performing in the cool acoustics of the tiled tunnel.

  7. Do you get to hear the cattle lowing? I haven't enjoyed that since the late 60's. what a wonderful, relaxing experience. just the simple things in life.

  8. Howdy, Great place you have here, thanks for sharing it with us.

  9. The subways. Don't even get me started. I use to jump over the urine on the platforms like hopscotch. Then you had to check your seat on the subway for urine before you sat down. And if it was one of the newer trains with the yellow and orange seats or blue seats - there was glare and you had to check it from all angles to make sure. Then all the people on the subway always looked uniformly miserable - which was a real downer. And then there were those people who would shove themselves into already packed sardine-like subways. What was the mindset behind that - even if you're late - why do that to yourself??

  10. I am in love with Benita ever since I first saw her picture in the NYT. She is my screen saver!

    I think you are one cool cat and living a very authentic life.

