Friday, May 27, 2011

solar omelette

Morning meet'n'greet with my new filmmaker friend Ian Midgley   He is in SW Texas looking for more folks for his film project.  Hopefully he will be back to shoot a couple of days here next week.  He needs some work footage and I need a spotter - perfect!

Seems we are entering a really good HOT spell out here.  Forecast for over 110 on Saturday and Sunday.  I think the longhorns know it's coming.  They sure seem to know what shade is all about.
Cooked up a bacon(on the bottom), egg and cheese omelette in the solar over this afternoon.  Sliced it all up and added some boiled chard on flour tortillas for dinner burritos.  99,107,65,0,B


  1. Shade is good. I dug out some of peppers old holes under the trailer and spent most of the afternoon laying in them. A little dusty but what the heck?

  2. I think they need more shade. I can't imagine 110, it was 52 and raining here in Oregon. Sorry for your heat.

  3. John do you ever get any un-welcome visitors from the south?

  4. danstey I to wondered about traffic from the south.

    Seeing those longhorns lined up against those buildings gives a whole new meaning to cattle guard.

  5. no illegals past me so far...last time it rained was Oct. 6

  6. Ha! I thought he meant porch people.

  7. I would really like to see the solar oven. My family thought it was "so cool". Too hot to cook in the house, so we need another option. I enjoy your blog.

  8. -1.3 degrees C here in Lyttelton, NZ

  9. Hi John, About the longhorns and the shade thing. In Permaculture there is the concept of a "biological accumulator". Basically you can use an animal such as a longhorn to gather a useful resource for you and deliver manure right next to the greenhouse. Just supply shade.

    Mike Smith -

  10. solar omelette ended discussing " un-welcome visitors from the south" and "illegals"... seems bloggers not familiar with the area....meaning : very few go towards Alpine nowdays, they head towards Sanderson, travelling during night only, to get to I-10. If were to go towards Alpine they will go up in mountains to avoid INS checkpoint, not through open desert or john's place.
    If Benita finds refugee there, why cant they look for same in these lands that were taken from their ancestors by us, US ? Go to Lajitas and cross river, yu will understand who came first. Ojinaga can help understand also .
