Thursday, May 26, 2011

UV be gone...

Visit this morning from Rodney and Tammy and their grandson Tirstan.  They came bearing gifts (two satellite dishes and lots of beer) and they got the full tour.  Now that I think about it, Rodney hinted about a photo but it went right over my head at the time - sorry I forgot to get their picture.  Will make sure to get a photo next time they visit.  Off and on the rest of the day finishing the first flush plumbing and painting the PVC parts of the new greenhouse gutter system.  As long as I was busy with spray paint - broke out the stencils and worked 5 special order Field Lab "Staff" tshirts into the work schedule.  95,104,63,0,B


  1. Damn! I saw 109 here. How about I camp out there on the hot days?

  2. JW. Glade you secured the down spout cause 1 itchy Bovine could mess up your day. I could be your look out and pay me nothing! Love it out there.

  3. hey there John..i am still curious about the pvc pipes on your south wall that appear to be going under the floor and exit at the front porch

  4. danstey...those were installed so when my ceiling vent fans were on, they would draw air into the house from the north side - under the porch and house. It didn't work very well.

  5. well was a helluva idea even though it didnt work..appreciate the reply anyway...Doug
