Friday, July 1, 2011

almost storm...

Tweaked and poured post #2 this morning. 

The Field Lab Vortex held firm this afternoon...only got a misting.

Temps cooled so I started cutting parts for the west end door.



  1. Don't you think that you need a vacation? You know the saying, "too much work and not enough play. . ."

  2. This is all play...sometimes it just looks like hard work. Say hi to my Texas Mom for me!

  3. In that bottom picture that post still looks as if it is leaning to the right .Also John are those cattle being feed an watered by the owner?

  4. Hope you get some rain for the 4th and fire off your cannon

  5. Don't worry about the cattle Ted. Those are open range cattle. They know how to survive and they know where the water is and will go to it when they need it badly enough. Also, I would bet that the owner has stock tanks located in enough locations to provide for them.

  6. Good work on the post.

    Photo #2 looks great. Too bad you didn't get some actual precipitation.
