Saturday, July 2, 2011

got rain?

Easy morning assembling the first door for the west side.  Must have wrenched my back with the last pour - every little twist and turn was rather painful.  Got the north door in place - tacked the hinges and ended up with 1/16" clearance at the top and 1/8" at the bottom.  Think I will take the day off tomorrow.

Took some aspirin and a nap and woke up to threatening rain events this afternoon.  Watched the Doppler and fully expected to be bypassed once again.  All of a sudden the rain fell hard and I lost power.  Almost a half inch of rain from 6 - 7 PM.  Water has a way of getting into everything especially when you aren't used to it. Nice to see water flowing out here again.  Got quite a flow into the dam - video tomorrow.  77,105,72,.45",B


  1. Wife and I watched it rain on your web-cam. Glad you got some. We got a little, just enough to slightly dampen things.

  2. I should also mention that it was 106 here today. Got you beat today, but hope you keep beating me (grin)

  3. Great to see you got some rain. Looks really good pooling up behind the dam.

    That door fabrication looks nice too.

    A couple of Advil before bedtime usually does the trick for me.

  4. Man, I love all of your design work so far. So simple and elegant and practical. Maybe you can do some laps in your new lake and stretch it out a bit.

  5. Good for you, I know you've needed the rain. I hope your back unkinks itself as well, I've had some wicked trouble with my frame over the years and know how that can be. Take care!

  6. Now that is one handsome dam LOL I'm holding thumbs for the bentonite...

  7. John,

    Way back when in the mid 70's through the very early 80's when I was a kid in El Paso.
    We would go out and play and "swim" in drainage ditches as the water rushed in from the summer monsoons. The water was an extreme relief from the summer heat. Yeah' it was dangerous, but fun.
    When I saw your full dam, my instinct (the innner 11 year old) said, Jump In!
    I gotta bring you a surfboard from down here in the gulf coast. Im a retired surfer, so if you wanna learn to surf, I could teach you. (we can get Benita to Jump in to make waves)

  8. wow John, that's gotta feel like waking up on Christmas morning to find your dam full! Congratulations!

  9. A transplanted Texan that I met during a trip to Minnesota told me that folks up there do not realize that lay-ek is a two syllable word. So what are you going to name your artificial lay-ek? Wells Lay-ek? Did you know that there are no natural lay-eks in Texas?

  10. Correction Brenda Caddo Lake is the only natural lake in the state even though they have improved on it by built a dam .

  11. Brenda your right I don't know of an lay-eks in Texas either,but Caddo lake is still the only natural (lake) in Texas.

  12. John I am no chiropractor much less a doctor but I do have a bad back at times.Back injuries differ but what seemed to help my problem was to stand flat-footed and try to touch my toes without bending my knees. You have to take it slow at first and dont hurt yourself by bending to far. I do it 30 times every morning and my back aches are rare now. It may work for you and may not but it may be worth a try. Take care my friend.

  13. I was looking at radar yesterday evening and that storm looked close to you. Glad it hit you

  14. Glad to see you got some rain! Hope your back if feeling better today.

  15. No rain for us at Willow Mtn. Some sprinkles, but nothing to get excited about. I heard that there was none in town proper either. You were one of the lucky ones.

  16. I was thinking about Texas having One natural lake,when thinking about how many Alaska has it's kind of comical.The two largest states an I think Alaska has more than all the other states put together.Not sure but I think I'm right on that.

  17. No rain at Ghost Town either..I'm coming swimming!!

  18. Great work. I have followed you for along time and went back to the beginning.

    My ? is; we have all seen old cowboy movies and fights over H2O rights, did anyone give you grief about damning up the gully?

  19. Very nice frame out of the west door. Can't wait to see it's completion.

    Congratulations on the rain. the "lake" and dam look grand.

    Tough luck about your back. A day off is definitely in order. Yoga works wonders for the muscular/skeleton system. Aspirin helps, too!
