Monday, July 4, 2011


Palo Verde #2 graduated today from his waterboxx.
 A shot of the Field Lab Lagoon from yesterday afternoon.


  1. What is the volume of water do you think your Lagoon will hold when full. Also, is the ground available to hold the water once it is in there.

  2. the answers are....lots of water and I don't know yet.

  3. Whoa! Surf's up at The Field Lab!

    All The FL Lagoon needs now is some palm trees & a tiny tiki bar to match your Airstream.

    Seriously, can I just say that it's phenomenal all that you've managed to achieve out there - mostly on your own, too - in just a couple of years?

    You MADE that oasis from scratch in the middle of a parched, desolate moonscape, for heaven's sake.

    Sometimes it's just astonishing what that good old American work ethic can let people do.

    [Gosh, now I feel so... inadequate.]

  4. John, how did your roof runoff water harvesting go?

  5. just a couple of tiny leaks...think I got about 700 gallons.

  6. I noticed water running in and hitting the backside of the dam in the video. It's the left side of the dam in this picture, I think. Are you going to have any erosion issues hurting the dam? Also, is there a spillway for when you fill that sucker up?

  7. JW- Saw this cool design and thought of you. It's a pre-fab house called the Crib.

    Mazeltov on the H2O!

  8. John, Did you walk the property before buying? I imagine you did. And, did you see the potential of that dry creek from the beginning?

  9. Well! John...
    Do you know how deep, wide and long the lagoon is at this time...
    I agree with leilani it is amazing what you have accomplished...I am as interested in how you do things, as I am in what you have done...At 75, I am truly having fun, living through your actions...
    Stay cool my friend...

  10. I think part of that water is mine from the rain I got a few days ago. I'll come and get it tomorrow and am going to take you a couple of pups while I'm at it. Bout time you get some dogs around there.

  11. HAH!, tffn, hope those dogs will appreciate swimming in Lake Wells.

  12. Got the cards today John, thanks for the quick service..hows the back?

  13. Wow, your lagoon is beautiful already. How I wish I had some water. You are to be congratulated on creating that wonderful lake. Can't wait to see it. Hope it's holding good. Swallows and ducks will visit you soon.

  14. So John, have you given any thought to the name of the lake?
    Lake Wells perhaps or Field Lab Lagoon?

  15. Nice palo verde plant. Looking forward to watching it as it grows.

    Nice shot of the "lagoon", also.

    Good to hear you were able to harvest some run-off from the greenhouse roof, too.

    Hope your back is mending...
