Friday, September 16, 2011


Had a rain event overnight.  Checked the rain gauge and found .32" in it.  Took a stroll down to the swamp and was hopeful when I saw several puddles along the way.  Alas....not enough to cause a run into the  reservoir.  No new water but at least there were 2 ducks swimming around in what is left there.  My friend JD named them Jim and Tammy Faye. 

Found the 10till2 sweat spot for the fresnel today.  A bit tricky lining it all up for the super hot spot and realistic over or under (with a mirror) cooking.  Did some more black sandglass bead tests while being extra careful not to burn or blind myself.  Shut down the R&D just when a couple of repeat visitors showed up.  Jon and Skylar came by last year on memorial day for their first visit.  That time they brought me a 12pack of Natural Light.  This year I got a 6pack (three different flavors - all very good) of Jon's home brewed beer. Can't wait to see what they come up with next year!  80,92,64, .32",B


  1. the beads are really beautiful John.

  2. Did one of the ducks have too much mascara on and the other look like an idiot?

  3. I sure wish JW would hurry up and get Spirit Lake to hold water. Then he can stock it with tuna and marlin for some deep sea fish'in.

    Maybe a little scuba div'in.

  4. What is the world coming to, when you in the desert get rain and me, near the gulg in East Texas, don't get any, not a single drop!!

  5. I feel your Dizzy. I'm just West of Houston and it's a desert here. Some idiot set GB Park on fire and tried to burn us out this past week.
    This smoke and 100 plus temps are getting old.

  6. Beads really are nice John. Maybe a small market for
    them? Couple of bucks each? (Include a phamphlet
    showing how they are made) I'll take a half a dozen.

    I'll forward the pic to a couple of my arty friends that
    might like them.


  7. @ tffnguy - good one...duckks... but why you be hatin' on Jim for the amount of mascara he was wearing? it's hard to look good in prison...;-P
    he's upgraded to Lori and still owes 6 million+; not so daffy for a duck....
    Alpine to Blue Eye would make a heck of a road trip for you & JW - a little break from the Big Bend heat...
    the Bakkers sporting TFL tees would be priceless... just joshin'

  8. Nice score on the beers.

    I predict that the sandglass beads will be a big seller in the Field Lab Mercantile.

    Good luck for rain tomorrow!
