Thursday, September 15, 2011

no rain...yet

Drat!  As usual, it didn't rain much today - only .04",  Coulda made it in and out of Odessa but just had to stick around "just in case".  I don't mind being fully prepared for a storm when it doesn't happen (but it would be nice for one to really dump on TFL for a change).  Decided a good waiting for rain project would be to weld up a stand for the big fresnel lens.  Working on a plan for a variable position cooking base where I can adjust the focus level for temperature while allowing for the changing sun position.  73,91,67, .04",B


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It is amazing that you, living in the desert, have had more rain this year than we have in East Texas. Everything here is dead or dying, plant-life and wildlife.

  3. I have a question on the fresnel lens. I went on their website and watch most of the videos. What else are your planning to use it on other than spot cooking? I don't know if I like the beam of sun coming directly down into the pan where the risk of it crossing over your hand while cooking is high. Do you think the spot could be deflected with a mirror up to the bottom of a cast iron skillet without risking it coming in contact with your eyes as the sun moved? I also wonder if you could channel that one beam of light into a internal mirrored type box to form a oven?

  4. I'm real surprised you didn't build that setup on a swivel instead of having to move the whole frame to keep on the target.

    .4 inches of rain here as of now so maybe you got some last night. If not maybe the lagoon got some run off from where it did?

  5. I believe I would put some type of cover on the lens when not in use, just to be safe.

  6. since you have the blue phone, you may have a visitor... hope Benita's horns aren't tipped with Kryptonite...
    wait, aren't you a former resident of Gotham or Metropolis, or the mondo ?

  7. Cool project with the new lens.

    We've been doing a lot of that "almost rain" waiting up here too. It's just so tantalizingly close, but just not here yet...
