Wednesday, September 14, 2011

jumbo fresnel...

Aborted a plan to head to Odessa tomorrow in light of the rain forecast for the next couple of days.  Decided on the move this morning when the weather report changed from 30% chance of isolated thunderstorms to 50% chance of scattered thunderstorms. I would hate to miss a good rain event.  Gotta grab it if and when it falls.

Got my new jumbo fresnel today via FedEx and gave it a quick tryout.  The focus point is about 2000 degrees and it started melting sand almost immediately.  I'm thinking TFL solar sandglass castings of some sort might be for sale soon.  Check out all the videos from Greenpowerscience at  

Highlight of the day was having one of my old college buddies track me down via Facebook today.  Willie Smith was a very good friend back in our Hinshaw Dorm days at UNCG.  We got caught up on the last 30+ years this afternoon.  He had a very unique laugh that I used to be able to imitate way back when.  I think I can still do it.



  1. Thanks for the link to Green Power Science. There's a ton of good, useful information there.

    Looking forward to seeing what you come up with using that new lens of yours!

  2. Ever thought about rigging that new lens to a distillation system so you can drink your captured black lagoon water?

  3. I'm impressed is all I have to say.

  4. Love the question mark solar sandglass casing. Question is, why did you create a question mark...? :)

  5. Been inspired once again by you.

    I live close to UNCG, and now I like you even more.

  6. don't know if Mr.Wells ever crossed paths with Indian Larry in NYC, but I suspect they would have had a few viewpoints in common... Larry was a proponent of the "?" mark too - in fact, he used it as one one his logos...
    Ride on Larry,
    Burn on John

  7. another UK cousin of your Blue Phone - ever shoot the BPhone in B&W?

  8. I got a way you can put those lens to work for you. Build you a Stirling Engine and use it to power your house , or anything thing else you want too.
    The small one would work just fine.
