Friday, October 7, 2011

handsome threshold...

Pulled the forms and back filled - this one came out rather nice.  Someone pulled up this morning with a flat tire and needed a jack.  Had to dig through the trash in the back seat of my truck to find it.  Got inspired to flush out all the trash.  Found 2 year old receipts and my GPS buried in the mess.  Actually used the vacuum once I got all the stuff out. 

Had lunch down south with a Mt. McKennite then did some more bead work this afternoon.  The creosote is blooming again out here and we got a good chance of more rain this weekend.  83,96,63,0,B


  1. If you'd have been on the other side of that lens you could have gotten a free beard trimming.

  2. Nice threshold.

    Stopped by to wish you a happy anniversary on your visitor counter. Three years and still counting - WooHoo!

  3. Is the creosote plant in any way related to the beautifully aromatic creosote on fresh telephone poles?

  4. ratgirls....the answer is no.

  5. Well that's disappointing. I had visions of creosote potpourri. But I'd probably be the only person that wanted it.

  6. I love the smell of creosote bushes.

  7. ratgirls: just so happens Im working on distilling the essence of the creosote plant - the smell of the desert after a rainstorm. I think you might like it more than the smell of a telephone pole - which is toxic.

  8. Dunno Jw - the johnnybeadsmith.jpg is reminiscent of "Someone" peering down from the heavens above LOL

    Here's to the next three years :)

  9. JW - when you get the essence done, let me know. I'd like to get some!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. The hell with creosote bush.

    Distill some of that Agave.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. The desert after a rain is one of my favorite smells.

    I think we have winner for your new FB Profile Photo.

    @ Talipia, So once again on the denatured alcohol process. Will it work on all "Medicinal Herbs"?

  14. Whoa LBH you don't want denatured alchol you want grain alcohol.

    Everclear at the liquor store.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. All depends on what you plan to do with the herb you reflux and whether you plan to eat, drink, wear or smoke the byproduct. (Which alcohol can be used)

  17. What an interesting discussion today!

    I wanted to compliment you on a lovely door step.

    Excellent self portrait, also.

    I really like those little creosote bushes. They just look so nice. Never really smelled 'em, though.

