Thursday, November 10, 2011

cleared to pave...

The good news is - 2 arrests where made this afternoon in regard to the cow killing incident.  Back to work clearing the courtyard.  Moved stuff around (again) and managed to find another load of refuse to take to Alpine. 

Just got an update that the Tiny Homes book by Lloyd Kahn will be available February 2012...   He just happened to feature the TFL page on his blog post.  51,68,29,0,B


  1. lookin good John. Glad they caught the bad guys

  2. That's GREAT news. So very sorry Mr. Cain lost those animals. Work is a mighty medicine. Take care.

  3. February 2012, you mean? Can we get an advance copy? I love the tiny book... goes great in a tiny home.

  4. I am glad the two arrests were made, if they are guilty, I hope they serve time.

  5. Well, I don't need to know anymore about tiny homes, I already live in a 12X15 foot home.

  6. Who gets the jeep? That may seem callous but it ought to go to the Cains if they want it. Else to a worthy desert rat!

  7. Hehe - saw you made allowance under the door for the height of the pavers. You're obviously an excellent planner LOL

  8. The first two pictures look like they were Pre-door hanging, but I couldn't really tell... all the improvements keep the place cleaned up well. Are you going to build something to keep all your tools and equipment in?

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. John please keep us posted on what is going on with the longhorns?

  11. Glad to hear about the arrest.

    Yup, there always seems to be trash no matter how much one tries to reduce, reuse and recycle.

    I continue to enjoy your blog.

    Have a great day!

  12. Please allow me to use this forum to thank all the veterans out there for their service to our country. Have an enjoyable and relaxing Veterans Day.

    the mohave rat


    Not the new rope neither. Grab that old muddy one with dirty grease all over it and we will have a neck tie party.
    The only problem I see is finding a tree big enough to stretch their necks from.

  14. Cindy, the first two pictures were taken from the north to the south openings, where John has not yet installed doors.
    John, the courtyard looks great with the clutter gone. Glad you were able to truck some of the refuse out.
    Good to hear of the arrests. Hope they got the right ones, and that they get what they deserve. Thanks for keeping us updated.
